Our expertise, combined with natural elements, helps us to provide a touch of class for your health and comfort. Our highly trained staff is dedicated to your wellbeing; providing comfort and pleasure in a professional atmosphere, designed exclusively to serve and pamper you.
Read MoreSwedish massage is the most common and best-known type of massage in the West. If it’s your first time at the spa or you don’t get massage very often, Swedish massage is the perfect massage for you. Swedish massage therapy is the modality that comes to mind when most individuals think about massage. As the best-known type of bodywork performed today, one of the primary goals of the Swedish massage technique is to relax the entire body. This is accomplished by rubbing the muscles with long gliding strokes in the direction of blood returning to the heart. But Swedish massage therapy goes beyond relaxation. Swedish massage is exceptionally beneficial for increasing the level of oxygen in the blood, decreasing muscle toxins, improving circulation and flexibility while easing tension. A 60-minute Swedish massage significantly decreases levels of the stress hormone cortisol, as well as arginine vasopressin-a hormone that can lead to increases in cortisol.
Aromatherapy uses plant materials and aromatic plant oils, including essential oils, and other aromatic compounds for the purpose of altering one’s mood, cognitive, psychological or physical wellbeing.
It can be offered as a complementary therapy or, more controversially, as form of alternative medicine. Complementary therapy can be offered alongside standard treatment with alternative medicine offered ‘instead of conventional treatments’, conventional treatments being often scientifically proven.
Promotes circulation, helps aid tissue recovery and reduces pain. Specifically designed to promote circulation, this warming blend of Aromatherapy includes clove, sweet birch, rosemary and cypress helps aid tissue recovery after physical exertion. Additionally, the unique combinations of aromatics are traditionally used to decrease pain in muscles and joints.
Eases uneasiness, irritability and anxiety. This relaxing blend promotes a sense of inner peace and harmony. Known for their calming properties, lavender, chamomile and vetiver are combined with uplifting aromas of citrus and clary sage.
Reduces redness, soothes the mind and promotes sound sleep. A foundation of patchouli, grapefruit and sweet orange help highlight two unique lavender oils. First, English true lavender is used to both reduce pain and inflammation, and act as a mild antidepressant and calming agent. Next, lavender helps support the respiratory system, aid in natural detoxification and promote peaceful sleep.
Invigorates the body and mind by enhancing circulation. Lively and pleasurable, this Aromatherapy combination of mint oils spun with rosemary refreshes the mind and body. Peppermint is high in natural menthol, which aids in pain relief and cools the body while increasing circulation. Research shows that it also stimulates the area of the brain that releases noradrenalin, causing people in one study to perform tasks more effectively that required sustained attention.
Hot Stone Massage Therapy melts away strain, comforts muscle stiffness and enhances circulation and metabolism. Each 1 ½ -hour hot stone massage therapy session promotes deeper muscle relaxation through the placement of smooth, water-heated stones at key points on the body. Our professional massage therapists also incorporate a customized massage, with the use of hot stones which offers enriched benefits.
The premise behind hot stone massage therapy is that the direct heat of the stones relaxes muscles, allowing the therapists access to their deeper muscle layers. Combining hot stone protocols with a full body massage provides a very healing and effective experience. The hot stones also expand blood vessels, which encourages blood flow throughout the body. The hot stones have a sedative effect that can relieve chronic pain, reduce stress and promote deep relaxation.